Thursday, June 23, 2011

It's in the Air! Monday, June 20th, 2011


We Americans have something to be proud of- our great nation!  From the creation of a living Constitution to the majestic views from coast to coast.  As we've traveled  across our country over the last several years we have not encountered an  ugly state.  Our nation is amazingly beautiful as is the diverse population that makes it up!  This beauty and diversity is easy to observe as you travel the major interstates.  However, to get a deeper appreciation of what each state has to offer, take the smaller, back roads!

Americans love to grow corn!  It is easy to spot fields of corn from coast to coast!
PA is no exception.

Holly- we said "Hi" to the Amish for you, just as you requested.
The sign says "Horse and Buggy Parking"

For Holly!

For Holly!

Beautiful fields of green!  PA

Forested area of PA

Randy remembered a place we had to stop!  Hershey, PA- not exactly known for their
part in the birth of our country...but fun none the less!

You can literally smell the chocolate in the air the minute you get out of your car!

Caylin's excitement level was as high as a child in

Want to learn about how chocolate candy such as KitKats, Hershey Bars, etc. are made?
Take the seat in their automated tour. 
This reminded me of a scene in Jurassic Park where the scientists were being shown
how the dinosaurs were created. 
I was hoping that the end of this tour wouldn't have as ominous ending!!

Three of our tour guides!

Can you smell it too?

Candy Kisses- called that because the machine makes
a kissing sound as each piece is dropped on the belt.

Hershey, Pa did not disappoint!  But, beware, the end of the tour drops you strategically off in the gift shop! 

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