Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Grand Canyon- The Northern Rim! Will you be the one out of 10 to experience it?!?

The Northern Rim of the Grand Canyon! Truly an amazing sight. Only one out of 10 visitors to the Southern Rim ever see the Northern Rim. The Northern Rim is 1000 feet higher in elevation, less crowded and more spectacular! The day this photo was taken the view was a little hazy due to a nearby controlled burn.

Randy enjoying the view!

Aaron and Caylin enjoying the canyon

Photo op! Just watch out for bears!

The road to the canyon. Nothing can be better than seeing this except seeing it with friends!!!!

1 comment:

  1. So cool! I'm so jealous! You guys visit all the cool places. :) But that's ok, because someday when we actually get to go do these sorts of things (when Isabella is older) I'll know who to go to for advice!!
