Friday, June 26, 2009

Watch out for that snake!!!!!!!! Mammoth Lizards

This trail is lableled as a moderately strenuous, ocassionaly strenuous 1 mile trail that leads to a waterfall and a cave in Bryce Canyon National Park. The hike was fun, but watch out for snakes crossing the path. Rattlesnakes are common in this area, thankfully the snake that crossed within inches of our feet was a nonvenomous garter!

Caylin posing with a sculpture of a horned lizard (commonly called a horney toad in Texas). Different varities horned lizards can be seen throughout the four corner states. We saw so many, we lost count.

Fauna again! Another common reptile in the four corner states is the Great Basin Collard Lizard.

Aaron and Caylin posing in front of a giant Great Basin Collard Lizard at a BLM office near Escalante, Utah! I don't think Aaron is an impressed as Caylin.

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