Monday, July 19, 2010

Sunday, July 11, 2010 Driving me batty!

We are driving down the road, exhausted, at night trying to get to our RV park after traveling for 12 hours when suddenly our friends the Burdens come on the radio! They are very frantic...they've just hit a bat and think it is is falling into the crack between their hood and windshield. Is it dead? Is it stunned?  Oh, how sad. Suddenly, the little bat crawls up and perches on the passenger side view mirror...upside down!  They slow down and find a pull off in the pitch black.  Now what?  How will they get the bat off?!  Randy puts on a pair of gloves and pulls our little bat off the mirror.  After posing for some pitures...our little bat is on his way.  Good deed for the day done!

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