Wednesday, June 17, 2015

DC Three

Wednesday, June 17th, 2015

Being adventurous and rebellious we decided not to exit the subway at the Navy Memorial as instructed by the very helpful employees of Cherry Hill RV Park and Resort.  Instead, we rode the greenline subway to the L'enfant station which is named after Pierre Charles L'enfant.  Pierre Charles L'enfant  designed the layout of the streets of Washington DC.

The next stop was the Holocaust Museum.  A very moving and emotional museum well worth visiting.  Daniel's story is an exhibit geared toward children.  However, very few adults leave the exhibit with a dry eye.  The permanent exhibit is a valuable experience and makes you wonder how something like this could happen!!  What was the world thinking?!?

Anne Frank, a talented young woman who would probably
have accomplished many more great things had she
not died at 15!

Speak up and Speak Out!

Lincoln Memorial at the end of the Reflection Pool
(The Reflection Pool now reminds me of Jenny in Forest Gump- :) )

Lincoln Memorial
There were lots of "selfie sticks" in use here!

Washington Monument with the Capital in the distance

Lincoln Memorial

Washington Monument
You can see a color shift about 1/3 of the way up
the monument which is due to a halt in construction in
1854 because of a lack of money.  When the construction resumed
they used marble from a different quarry resulting in a slightly
different color.

The Korean War Memorial
19 stainless steel statues each around 7 foot tall
walking in combat formation.
To represent the terrain of Korea the statues are situated
among strips of granite and juniper bushes.

Jefferson Memorial

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