Sunday, June 12, 2011

To the Birthplace of America

As you may well know by now, we decided to head in the direction of the birthplace of America.  Out east!

The longing to go west is still stirring in our souls, but it can wait until next summer.  We've been out west 6+ times now and out east only once.  Time to visit some of the places that shaped America's early history! 

We discussed this trip long before any celebriticians decided to take their own jaunt east in a token RV meant to superficially emulate the "All American Family" summer road trip.  We have our US Capital Building Tour Tickets in hand and are eager to spend more time in D.C. Then, on to Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell. 

Travel with us as we blog about our adventures.


  1. Hmph. Well, I do love the west, but I did live in the east for a while! :) As always, I'm jealous of your vacation. Have fun in DC...I actually never made it there!

  2. I'd say go west since you lived in the east. Although you should visit DC, I think you would love it. You and your family need to get a RV and do a road trip with us sometime.

  3. I know! It'd be so fun! I love all the cool stuff you guys do in addition to the cool places you visit. I've mentioned to David that we should at least rent an RV and try it one summer. Maybe next summer. :(
