Tuesday, June 16, 2015

D.C. Three!!!

Back to our favorite RV park, Cherry Hill in College Park, Maryland!  The RV park is a destination all on its own with a water park, putt-putt golf, exercise and game rooms, 1.5 mile nature trail, a wedding pavilion and many many other amenities.

DC is easy to access from the RV park.  Bus 83 conveniently picks up passengers at the front of the park and drops them off at the College Park Subway Station.  Once there you hop on the green line and ride it to the Navy Memorial.  The National Mall is approximately 2 blocks from the Navy Memorial.  The National Mall itself stretches 2.5 miles.

Today was devoted strictly to the American History Museum!  One of my favorites.  Here you can see the flag that inspired the Star Spangled Banner, The "Ruby Slippers" that Judy Garland wore in the "Wizard of Oz", Lincoln's Hat, George Washington's camp pack, an exhibit of dresses worn by many of the First Ladies, Benjamin Franklin's walking cane and many other interesting historical items.

June 16, 2015

Our subway stop

One of my favorite museums!

George Washington

George Washington's camp pack

George Washington's Camp Stool

The Philadelphia

Mary Todd Lincoln's dress

An unpopular Statue of George Washington

You can listen to several different recordings that Alexander Graham Bell made in 1885.
He quoted Shakespeare, He recited "Mary Had a Little Lamb", he played music 
and he made trilling "r" sounds 

Lincoln's Life Mask

The Ruby Slppers

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