Saturday, July 20, 2013

Back to Wyoming from our campgound in Dutch John, Utah for rock and fossil hunting

I think I've said this in past posts.....this country really needs to invest in more guard rails!!!  We all had white-knuckles several times today!!!

 Wow!  I almost missed this sign as Randy was zooming down the road!!!

 We took a lot of dirt roads today to the Flaming Gorge Recreation area.
  We passed someone's light that fell off their car as they took this wash-board road.  By the way...where are the guard rails????
 Finally - guard rails!! Makes you wonder why they decided to put some here.
 Absolutely gorgeous!!!

 I could get used to living here!

 So 35 miles down this road....where are the fossils again???

 Lots of people were on the river having fun!!!

 Nice one lane least it looks sturdy.

 No one for miles!!!  All you can hear is the wind blowing and the birds chirping.

 We lost our On-Star signal!!!

 Looking for the end, Aaron would be the only one to find any.

 Lichens!!!  They help turn rock into soil.  They are pioneer organisms.  A mutualistic symbiotic relationship between a fungi and an algae and/or cyanobacteria (sometimes all three).

 Figures the geologist would be the only one to find what we are looking for!!!

 We found deer prints and mountain lion prints!

 Rock slid A rock side took out part of the road up ahead.

 Heading back to the campground in Dutch John

 Flaming Gorge Recreation area

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