Saturday, July 24, 2010

Glacier, Canada and RV troubles

Glacier National Park has numerous waterfalls...this is an example of one along Weeping Wall on the Going to the Sun Road

Just like Yellowstone, Glacier is bear country. 

Bears are smart animals.  They can open unlocked car doors and house doors when tempted by food left out. Mainly herbivores, bears will occasionally take advantage of a situation and become carnivorous.

Apgar Visitor Center - West Glacier entrance off of the Going to the Sun Road.

They have a live webcamera at the corner of this can stand in front of it and have your friends upload the website and view you standing there.  Randy, Caylin and Aaron did that.  Thank you Becky!

Polebridge!  No need to say more really,  It is a beautiful small town up North Fork Road in Glacier National Park.  This is the original mercantile built in the early 1900s.  Inside you will find a nice bakery, souvenirs and antiques.

The town also includes the Northern Lights Saloon.

Glacier National Park is an International Peace Park...the most northern portion of Glacier is in Canada.  This flag display celebrates our friendship with Canada (although when you cross the border into Canada their customs agents are very unfriendly).

One of the many gorgeous views from the Going to the Sun road heading up towards Logan's Pass.

The Going to the Sun road is aptly named.  The road travels high into the mountains.  There are numerous sheer drop offs and switch backs on this road.  They even sell t-shirts that say "I survived the Going to the Sun Road".

Glacier has a rain forest and 25 active glaciers.  A combination not found in any other national park.  Just a short time ago there were 50 active glaciers and in the early 1900s as many as 150.

I must give credit where credit is due...Aaron took the majority of the photos you are viewing in the blog.  He might have a lucrative hobby in his future!

Rooseville Port of Entry into Canada, eh!

The drive from Hungry Horse through Whitefish and on to Rooseville is gorgeous.  Watch out for the deer and elk though.  We had an elk jump out in front of us and a short time later the Hailes had one jump out in front of them.

The Hailes pulling up to the customs gate. 

Can you read French?

The friendly country to our North.  Their customs agents could you some interpersonal skills.  It is as though they are saying "Welcome to Canada, and fudge you"  The rest of the population is very nice though.
Canadian Maple Leaf

Wow 100 is about 62 mph
A great little town in British Columbia to eat lunch.

Canadian scenery

Oh my goodness...those big yellow things are X-ray machines...and sure enough when you pull up there they are looking at images of your car!  At least our custom's agents are a little more friendly.

Scenery as you leave Hungry Horse, Montana (which is very close to West Glacier)

A random ball and chain!  I didn't know they had Randy's picture here! LOL.  Nope, it is an omen that we are going to be stuck near Hungry Horse, Montana for three days!  LOL
Really, it was used to clear trees in the construction of Hungry Horse Dam.

Hungry Horse is a strange name for a town.  Leaving most people wondering why it is named Hungry Horse.
In the winter of 1900-1902 two horses, Tex and Jerry wondered away from their sleigh.  They survived waste deep snow  for a month before being found.  They were almost dead from starvation, but made a full recovery.  You have to love a happy ending! :)
So here we sit, stuck first about a mile outside of Hungry Horse with a broken belt on the RV.  Randy and Aaron take the Little H back into Hungry Horse to look for an auto parts store.  None found there!  Then they drive to Columbia Falls which is about 5 miles up the road.  We are in luck! They are back with a belt. 

Art and Randy put the belt on and we are off...heading toward Moab and Arches National Park.   Then, in Columbia Falls...the belt breaks again! What?!?!  Randy goes to get another new belt!

De-ja-vu...Randy and Art put the second belt on the RV....ahhh, they see the problem...quickly...kill the engine.  It is the harmonic balancer which is broke and it is shredding the belt. might be a redneck spend the night in the nearest truck stop parking lot!   

Even better, how about putting a lawn chair next to your 18 wheeler in the truck stop parking lot?! 

YOU PROBABLY ARE  A REDNECK IF..................
Monday, July 19TH, we slowly, prayerfully, and carefully drove the RV to a Chevy dealership in Kalispell, Montanal...Eisinger Chevy.  We are the first in line as they open their doors.  But wait, they don't have the part in will have to be shipped overnight.  Oh well, what better place to spend a couple of extra days than near Glacier.  So, off we go...back to Glacier.  Our friends, the Hailes,  are the best kinds of friends you can have. They refuse to leave us until we know the part is on its way!!!
Now we can play in Avalanch creek in Glacier National Park.  When you see water with a bluish green tint, chances are it is coming from a glacier!

Isn't it funny how people are drawn to water?! It is so much fun just to play in the water that kids and adults alike are doing it!
Debra Hailes having a relaxing moment

Tuesday, July20th...we are back on the road...leaving the beautiful town of Kalispell around 5:30 pm. 
Flathead Lake, of the largest lakes in the country and absolutely gorgeous.  Just south of Kalispell.
Leaving gorgeous Montana........heading toward Idaho, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and then the big town of Magnolia, TX.


  1. Gorgeous pics, Catherine! Jealous of your travels, as always. The stop sign made me laugh...when we were in Italy a few summers ago, the stop signs looked just like ours and said "STOP" in english. No Italian, nothing translated...just like ours. Weird.

  2. Randy said to tell you to come with us next time!

    That is weird about the stop sign..and a bit disappointing for tourists!

    Thank you Holly for reading my blog and giving me feedback. It means a lot!
