Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sunday, July 11,2010-All about Yellowstone

Yellowstone National Park in Northeastern Wyoming is the oldest natural park!!! It was established in 1872 .Yellowstone was designated a biosphere reserve in 1976 and a world heritage site in 1978. 

It consists of true wilderness with a large natural area of  2.2 million acres and 10,000 hydrothermal vents including Old Faithful.  Yellowstone has the biggest concentration of  active geysers on the planet!

It is also a geologically diverse park.  Venturing south from Mammoth Springs one enters what the park rangers lovingly call the "Purple Ring of DOOM"...translated as the caldera of the Super Volcano.

One can view an abundant amount of wildlife in the park (big horn sheep, elk, grizzly bears, black bears, moose, wolves, pronghorn, trumpter swans and bison).  With 400+ miles of roads and 1000 miles of trails you will need to plan to stay in the park more than one day to get a feel for the diversity.

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