Thursday, June 14, 2012

Joshua Tree and a Chuckwalla 6-11-12

 Traveling from Saguaro National Park to Joshua Tree National Park we continue along I10 West.  Phoenix had a nice surprise in store for us!  A tunnel!!!
Phoenix Tunnel

California Agricultural Checkpoint.
I wonder if they are concerned about some type of invasive species or a
pathogen.  Maybe, they just want you to buy their fruits and veggies.
I didn't know there were any agricultural checkpoints within the contiguous
United States

Welcome to California!!!

This is about the time of day we start looking for a RV Park to stay at for the night.
This time it is a little more difficult.  Most of the RV parks between the border and Joshua Tree National Park
are for RVers 55+  We've never encountered age discrimination at RV parks when
traveling through the United States!

We decided to boon-dock/ dry camp at a truck stop near
Joshua Tree National Park.  Aaron didn't like the idea much.
He said, "this is the type of place people get abducted from
and are never seen from again".


Aaron's still in geological heaven!!

A Chuckwalla was sunning near one of the
Exhibit stops!

Ocotillo - a deciduous plant not a cactus!
One of my favorite desert plants.

Did you know the Ocotillo sprouts leaves within days after
a rainstorm, then drops them as moisture disappears.

Cholla Cactus Garden

Joshua Trees

The Joshua Tree is a member of the Agave family.  Until recently
it was considered a giant member of the Lily family until recently
when DNA analysis studies were completed.

The Joshua tree is a monocot and is a good indicator
that you are in the Mojave Desert, but you may also find
it growing next to a Saguaro Cactus in the
Sonoran Desert

Named the Joshua tree, according to legend, after Mormon immigrants had made
their way across the Colorado river.  Legend has it that these pioneers
named the tree after the biblical figure, Joshua, seeing the
limbs of the tree as outstretched in supplication, guiding
the travelers westward.

Joshua Tree

Another Joshua Tree

Aaron and Caylin getting their Joshua Tree National Park
Junior Ranger badges with help from David Denison.

Just watch out for the attack water fountains at this visitor center
(Oasis Center).  I attempted to get a drink and it sprayed water
3 feet in the wrong direction and drenched my shirt.

The scenery on Highway 395 is beautiful!

Willy is happy with his riding arrangements

Gracie isn't complaining either

An "old fashion" windmill pumping water

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