Monday, June 11, 2012

Leaving the Lone Star State

Hello Again New Mexico, our old friend!

Dust Devils everywhere along I10 between
New Mexico and Arizona

Another Dust Devil

Arizona, we meet again!!!

Aaron's in Geologist Heaven!

Big Rocks!  Aaron is excited!

This Road was went on like
this for several miles.  We didn't need
a roller coaster...we got motion sickness
without one! I hit the Dramamine after we got
off this road- true story!

On our way to through Tucson Mountain Park
to Gilbert Ray Campground near
Saguaro National Park we saw several

The Saguaro Cactus can live up to 200-250 years.
They are approximately 75 years old when they sprout arms

Entrance to our home for the night

Caylin commented that this was "like a forest, but
of Cacti instead of trees".  It is actually considered
a Cactus Forest

The view from our RV

Aaron rock hounding and checking things out

The City of Tucson at night from our RV window

"Stick 'em up" Stero- typical cactus

Caylin working on her Junior Ranger Badge


White flower
The Saguaro typically bloom at night

Aaron working on his Junior Ranger Badge
Randy supervising

They earned their badges
These were the most friendly Park Rangers we have
ever met!  We highly recommend visiting them.  Be sure
to ask for Chip!

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