Monday, June 15, 2009

Day 1 - Saturday, June 13th, 2009

'Buda bump bump bah' (Caylin's nickname for McDonald's from way back before she could talk much) called for us early that morning. Sitting in McDonald's listening to Magnolia's group of "Wild Hogs" talk about their upcoming biking adventures with their Iphones and air cards :) we discussed our upcoming "RV Adventures".

We left Casa de Eaves around 9:30 am. "Just cruising down the highway", minding our own business, we have our first automotive casulty of the trip. A boulder about the size of a golf ball crashed into our windshield. It wasn't pretty! A lovely 5 ray star about eye level on the passenger side windshield formed.

Looking for wildlife we spotted one wild rat running rapidly across the freeway in front of us just shy of Goodlet, Texas! Add that one to the "critter" life list.

We made it to the Cotton Gin RV Park (a neat place made from a former working Cotton Gin) around 7:00 pm. Caylin was excited that we had finally arrived and that they had a swimming pool. After eating, we decided to take a swim. Unfortunately nature had other plans.
An amazing lightening show started to play out as a storm rolled into Goodlet. Lightening streamed from cloud to cloud, cloud to air, cloud to ground and strobes, in incredible shades of greens purples, blues, and golds. It was as though you could actually see the hand of God throwing out balls of lightening!!!

Rain started to pour down and the RV started rocking (due to the wind, so "come a knocking")! The wind was so strong that we became "sea sick". Aaron pulled up weather advisories and found a tornado watch for the Goodlet area until 11:00 pm. Day 1 CHECK \

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