Thursday, June 25, 2009

Fruita-Fruits everywhere! The visitors center explains that the petroglyphs are drawings of aliens :)

Capital Reef National Park Fauna in the area they refer to as Fruita. They have hundreds of fruit trees planted in this area and visitors are allowed to pick and taste the fruit. The trees were originally planted in the late to early 1800s-1900s.

Aaron and Caylin playing on one portion of a vine in Fruita, Capital Reef. In the museum they tell of a dentist that was passing through Fruita. He loved the landscape and the climate in this area so much that he never went back home. It is tempting I must stay! But, we would miss our friends and family too much we'd rather endure 103 degree temperatures during the summer!

Some of the fruit trees in Fruita.

Here are the aliens again :)

Their body language says we are so sweet and innocent! Boy, can we call their bluff or what!

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