Friday, June 19, 2009

MONDAY, JUNE 15TH- Downtown Moab at rush hour

Pulling into a space at the world class Arches RV Park on the outskirts of down town Moab...rated highly in Trailer Life :) We were pulling in slowly so this picture wouldn't be blurry for our friend Mike :) So far, this is the only time I could talk Randy into driving slowly :) Ha Ha

Love ya Mike and Tina!


  1. Those are great!!! Let Randy know we're watching you every step of the way :) Missing you Friend! Love Tina

  2. Hi Tina and Mike!!! We are glad you like the blog and are watching every step of the way. We are trying to keep it updated....but are having difficulty with the lack of signal in Utah. We miss you guys too!!!! Love you!
