Friday, June 19, 2009

Days 4-5, June 16th and 17th, 2009 Boon Docking in the Swasey Mountains (Trilobite Mountain)

Days 4 and 5, Tuesday and Wednesday, June 16th and 17th 2009

Heading north of Moab, Utah to Highway 70 with more amazing scenery appearing out of our Rv windows we are all excited as to what lies around the next corner or down the next 6% grade!!! The scenery changes from desert vistas to mountains with lush greenery as we head toward Delta, Utah, a sleepy little town with a population of approximately 3,000.

Antelope are plentiful along the route as well as spiny lizards similar to the Texas Spiny Lizard.

It is sweater weather along the route due to the higher elevations we encounter (such as 7886 ft. at the summit of one mountain along the route).

Our first stop is the Fillmore BLM office for a map showing where we can Boon Dock in the Swasey Mountains near The U Dig Fossils and a New Dig Fossils location. We have an appointment with Clay on Wednesday the 17th at the New Dig Fossil location.

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