Thursday, June 25, 2009

Scenic Highway 12....the road to remember. Notice the elevation. The temperature changed about 20 degrees when we reached the top. But, the best was yet to come....if we only knew!

At this elevation you can see many aspens and pines.

The aspens are also called flicker trees. They have white bark and their coin sized and shaped leaves flicker and flutter with the wind.

You have to love the sharp, inclines, and high elevations with no guard rails anywhere!
It makes you wonder how many people have flown off the road and down into the canyons.

Finally, after reaching an elevation around 7500 feet it is time to descend. This is nothing compared to what lies on the other side of Boulder, Utah on this road. The sharpest grade was an 8%. Aaron asks Randy what grade we would have to turn back and go the other way for in our RV pulling little H....his response, 10%

We get to the bottom and can smell the brakes! What a warm fuzzy feeling that gives us all! Although the scenery quickly makes up for what the road dished out at this point!

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